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Google OAuth2

Go To New Project - Google Cloud Console and create a new project.

Define the Google Project

Set the project name.

Go to the OAuth consent screen and set the application name.

Complete App Information information Set Audience as External Complete other mandatory fields Create the OAuth consent screen

Add Scopes

Go to the Data Access and add the following scopes:

  • .../auth/ See your primary Google Account email address
  • Read, compose, send, and permanently delete all your email from Gmail

And save changes

Create the OAuth Client

Go to the OAuth Client and create a new OAuth client.

Select Web Application as the Application type

Add {BASE_URL} as the Authorized JavaScript origins

Add {BASE_URL}/login/google and {BASE_URL}/services/google as the Authorized redirect URIs

And save changes

Get the Client ID and Client Secret

Return to the OAuth Client and copy the Client ID and Client Secret and paste them in the .env/ file
